Undergraduate Program
The department of Social Psychology at Shih Hsin University is established in 1993. It is the first and still the only Department of Social Psychology in Taiwan. The goal of the program is to provide our students a cross-disciplinary training in sociology and psychology, and to further apply it to study various issues in our current society.
The design of the curriculum is intended to include the core courses from both disciplines and their interfaces. There are two unique aspects of the curriculum: 1.Fundamental theories and subject matters in both sociology and psychology are covered. 2. Applications of the cross-disciplinary trainings to study or even solve local social problems are emphasized.
Based upon faculty members’ areas of specialty, courses are organized into and professional development of the students falls into five major approaches: marriage and family, media and culture, youth studies, deviant behaviors and criminal prevention, organizations psychology, as well as helping professions, such as social work, guidance and counseling.
Starting from academic year 2009-2010, students are required to choose their major focus of study on either sociology or psychology since their junior year. It is intended for the students to further develop their areas of interest and well-prepare for future career after the integrated training in both disciplines during their first two years. Strengths of such a program design are believed to provide a more comprehensive coverage of the basics, and a deeper dig into interesting issues.